Cooking Oil recycling

How to Reduce Environmental Impact Through Fryer Oil Collection

Posted on 2023-11-21 00:00:00 By Buddy

As a business owner, or as a homeowner, you have a responsibility towards making the world a better place. One of the ways to do that is to recycle as many things as possible. And fryer oil is one of the things that you can recycle and prevent it from going to the landfills.

If you are in the restaurant business, used oil recycling companies might actually pay you to collect your cooking oil. Imagine that! Getting paid for something that would have gone to the trash is good.

If you are a homeowner and you cook deep fried foods a lot, do not throw your used cooking oil into the trash. It is better to find a fryer oil collection service where you can drop your used oil.

The key thing is that when you hand over your used cooking oil to companies with the resources for proper disposal, you will be doing Mother Nature a good deal. The less the trash that gets into the landfills, the better for the environment.

Here are tips to help you reduce the environmental impact through used cooking oil collection:

Make sure none of the oil gets into the kitchen sink

Do not pour the used cooking oil down the sink, because it will go to clog your pipes and eventually cost you money for repairs.

But that is not the worst of it. As much as you are flushing the used fryer oil down the sinks, it is going to go into the grease trap. However, even there, it still runs the risk of running out to the sewerage system, and clogging it.

Clogged sewerage systems are not good for public health or the environment, especially because the effluent can start backing up into the streets. This can pose a serious health hazard to the community. The effluent can also flow into rivers, and other water sources, and cause contamination.

Instead of risking all that, sensitize your kitchen staff to collect all the oil in the provided recycling containers. The used cooking oil should be cooled down, before being transferred to the collecting containers.

Make sure none of the used fryer oil goes to the landfills

It is the collective duty of everyone in the world to reduce waste as much as possible. This preserves the environment and we owe the future generations a better world than we found.

Thankfully, today, almost everything can be recycled and this includes cooking oil. Of course, you could freeze the oil and dispose of it in the trash. However, that will end up in the landfills, and eventually, it could leech into the water sources.

If you are wondering whether you can recycle frying oil that you use at home, the answer is yes. There are a few ways to do this, instead of tossing it into the trash.

First, you can get on Google and find out whether there are collection centers near you. If there is, pack the oil in the containers it came with or any other plastic container that you can lid tightly.

Drop the oil at the collection center. If they will not recycle it, they will know how to dispose of it safely, in a way that is okay for the environment.

Secondly, you could drop the oil off at your local restaurant, that is, if you talk to them first and they agree. Most restaurants have grease collection containers and they do not charge.

Thirdly, you can check with the biggest store in your area, where you shop. Most of them offer a free grease collection service.

They get some form of rebates for all of the used oil that they recycle. Just find out from the restaurants or the stores the days that they allow residents to leave their fryer oil with them.

Subscribe to a used frying oil collection service

In the food business, things can get too busy at times. Therefore, you want to sort of “automate” the oil collection service. Instead of storing the oil and then arranging for its delivery to the recycling centers, the used cooking oil recycling company will come for the fryer oil from your premises.

They will also provide the storage containers, taking so much of the work off your hands. You should also automate the grease trap cleaning, by working with a reputable company like Grand Natural. That way, they will show up regularly, empty and clean the grease trap, and at the same time, check out for any repairs.

If you have professionals handling your used frying oil for you, the job becomes easier. Your kitchen staff can dedicate their time to their assigned work. It also means that nothing can go wrong at all.

The only thing required of you is to ensure that there is no disposal of the cooking oil inside the kitchen sinks.

The used frying oil can be made into biodiesel

Your old frying oil, butter, any type of cooking oil, no matter how old it is, can be recycled. And the first product that vegetable oil recyclers make is biodiesel.

This is the eco-friendly alternative fuel that can be used in cars, trucks, and farm machinery. By recycling your oil, you will be ensuring that the world gets more biodiesel and that means slightly less reliance on fossil fuels.

Research has indicated that some types of biodiesel are more efficient than regular fuel. The more people we can get to use biofuel, the better we will make the world.

Vehicles and machinery using biodiesel also have less carbon emissions. They emit up to 85 percent less than the emissions from regular diesel.

By recycling used frying oil, you contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint.


If everyone in the world would play their small part in reducing the environmental impact, the world would be so much better.

Now, there is an opportunity to do better, for your business and the world. If you generate used fryer oil, get rid of it safely, by having it recycled, instead of going to the landfills.

If you are in restaurant business, you will even get something back in rebates. These rebates are engineered to help motivate people to recycle their used fryer oil.

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